Sunday, December 11, 2011

Traveling Abroad Together

My family and I have been traveling together to many, many places ever since I can remember... When I was very little, about one-year old, we went to pretty much more than half of the States, in which our trip to Yellowstone was most memorable! As the years went by, we traveled everywhere we could, in the country, as well as out of the country, including Poland... Most recently, in this past summer, I also went on my first individual trip out of the country to Australia and New Zealand!!! It was one of the best times I've ever had in my entire life and I will never, ever forget it! Traveling has been a part of my life pretty much forever, and couldn't be more happy because of it!

One of the most memorable and meaningful trips that I remember going to with my family is to California! We went there for more than two weeks, three years in a row! One of the reasons why we went there, was for my National American Miss Pageant finals... It was an amazing experience, not only because was it for my pageant and all of the competitions that I took a part in, but also because I spent a lot of time with my family, going from Disneyland, to Legoland, to Hollywood, to practically all of California, especially the famous landmarks (can't forget about those)! It was unbelievable what we saw each time! Every time, California seemed the same, yet different in every single way... It was amazing! We discovered new cultures, cuisines, and just the general atmosphere everytime we went there. I guess that's the beauty of travel! You're always surrounded by unbelievable things!

When going on trips, it may seem really easy at first with everything going on around you; however, you always encounter challenges, especially those that you never expect! Packing seems to always be a problem for me... I always tend to overpack and eventually never fit everything into my suitcase; and when I get back from my trip, I realize that I didn't even use practically more than half of my stuff! I try to pack the most necessary things, yet somehow, it always takes hours on end for me to pack... Oh well! At least I have fun with it! But over time, with all of the travels I will be doing in my lifetime, starting now, I know I will learn to pack efficiently... After all, you learn from your mistakes. Being aware of all of your belongings is also hard to do in different surroundings than what you're used to, as well as staying organized throughout the trip; however, I haven't had much trouble with this. Overall, there's many more challenges I will probably face, such as language barriers, but after all, what can you expect when you're always traveling?

I love to travel!!! It's definitely one of my new hobbies... More like a passion! After all these years, I've noticed that you get the most out of traveling, whether learning more about the place, or just familiarizing yourself with your surroundings! Even hotels, come to think of it... I love knowing every little place I go, from top to bottom, even if it's the most abstract thing ever.
And I especially can't wait for the very first day of this trip! I know it will be amazing and definitely, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and I'm looking forward to making many more new friends! After all, I've always wanted to go to Ireland, Scotland, and England, ever since I was a little girl! Now my dream is slowly becoming a reality... :)