Monday, April 23, 2012

Interview with Tyler!

The interview we had with Tyler MacNiven was, without doubt, very inspirational! It had given me a new perspective about traveling and gave me new ideas about what I could do for my trip so that it becomes much more memorable!
Tyler emphasized many times that his trip across the country of Japan was by far the most spontaneous of all his travels across the world. To him, traveling was a way to escape from daily routines and day-to-day life... I can totally agree with this thought! Everytime I go someplace different, I feel as I can escape from what I usually do, and just go with the flow of my surroundings... Whatever happens to be interesting that day, I go for it! There really is no thought about it... And that's how I feel every trip should be like. Doing the unexpected and being free in a another country and place. This way, you'll be able to indulge each and every thing around you.
Tyler MacNiven also seemes to talk a lot about being crazy and trying new things! Being spontaneous on a trip like this is definitely an important key to having the most out of it. By keeping a journal everyday, or even by talking to the people living there, are just some of the ways you could keep such memories with you. Tyler encouraged us to think of a project in which we could challenge ourselves, but so that it's not very overwhelming... One of his suggestions was to take pictures of every single meal you eat- whether it's breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even just a snack! When he suggested this idea, I couldn't help but smile, since this is what I've been doing on every trip that I've gone on! It truly does make a difference, as it helps you open a doorway towards new cultures and cuisines. For this trip, I will definitely continue to do this project, but also plan on coming up with a new one so I can broaden my horizons... I'm not exactly sure what it'll be as of right now, but I'll make sure to keeps things interesting! :)
Tyler MacNiven is a person who will inspire you to try new things, be more spontaneous, and just have the time of your life, as you'll never have another opportunity such as this one! And most importantly, to continue traveling in our future. His stories upon his travels not only made me laugh, but also made me realize that it's not everyday that you get to travel to a new country. Make the best of it! And that is exactly what I'll do! Even more...
Thanks to Tyler :)