Saturday, March 10, 2012

Boasting like Beowulf

My name is Kasia and ballroom dancing is my passion,
These professional shoes and dresses are definitely my fashion.
I live, I breathe, I dream of a ballroom,
I can't stop moving, I'm like a flower in full bloom.
My rhythm, my steps, make you go crazy!
Look at you, you're such a lazy daisy.
Now, you see, this is 'cause I'm so good.
You say you can dance better than me?
Not even close... You wish you could!
You can't chacha, samba, or jive your way through,
Hey! You can't even waltz or quickstep without a helping crew!
You lost the counts, you messed up your steps,
How are you gonna get back up looking like that?
You have to step to the right, take a step a back,
Replace your foot, go to the left,
Pick up your knee, kick to the front,
Pick up your arms, stand tall, and look pretty,
Are you already getting a bit sweaty?
One more time and then it'll slide...
Don't forget to move those hips from side to side!
I'm on Dancing with the Stars, you better believe me,
I'm one of the best, you gotta agree!
I win first everytime, medals and trophies,
I beat each and every dancer with these skills of mine
All with the snap of my fingers!
I give it my all and that's for sure,
What do you say? I definitely do? That's right!
When I dance, I dance from my heart and soul,
I bet I beat the groovy times of rock-and-roll!
I'll help you with your feet, those of a "prancer",
I can do all that, I'll teach you my thing,
I'm Kasia, and that's cause I'm a ballroom dancer!
Word. :P

1 comment:

  1. Haha, what a great boast. Thanks for taking the time to make it, as I enjoyed reading it! Now, about that Beowulf blog....

