Monday, May 28, 2012

"Lines Written in Early Spring"

I chose to analyze "Lines Written in Early Spring", a Romantic poem written by English author, William Wordsworth. I have to say that I actually do like this poem, as it portrays nature in a very beautiful way, letting us know that the world is worth saving; he also displays the effect of industrialization and urbanization that it can have on the world, both positive and negative.
This poem is about a person, most notably known as William Wordsworth, who is lost in his train of thought, thinking about the beauty of life in nature. Using very descriptive words to portray his vision and what he saw, we can visualize the image in our own minds, or at least I am able to. The words, phrases, and metaphors that he uses, gives a sense of feeling and sight that conveys this atmosphere created by William Wordsworth in his poem, especially his use of personification towards the parts of nature, such as plants and wind. Because everything is so descriptive, it's easier to visualize, making it a poem that would appeal to everyone, including myself.
As I read this poem, I was definitely able to relate to his opinions, which makes me like this poem a lot. It's very easy to connect to his thought, as what he describes is pretty relevant to the present day. The problem of industrialization and urbanization is very common in our world today. We are constantly building new things, whether they're factories, business buildings, or just simply... houses. We constantly see nature disappearing because of this technological progress, which is beneficial for us to a ceratin degree. Yes, it makes our lives much easier compared to the "old days"; however, it also takes away from the experience of living in pure nature and breathing in the views of trees, flowers, birds, wind... the list could go on and on. The world is constantly changing.

The message that William Wordsworth is trying to get across in his poem is the fact that humans are slowly beginning to destroy what was once there- a beautiful landscape filled with nature and its beauty. Even though he wrote this hundreds of years ago, his message is still accurate today, displaying the fact that people should be more aware of what they do to this world, as in the long run, it may turn out really good or really bad. Nature is not being respected for all that it's worth and this really upsets William Wordsworth, making him think twice about the pleasure he sees in the nature around him. To him, man continues to ignore nature and tends to make it disappear, without thinking it through. His focus is on the beauty in life- in nature.

In order to convey this message in "Lines Written in Early Spring", he uses many Romantic qualities and traits. For example, he uses "I" in order to display his thoughts, feelings, and emotion. Because of this, he also relates to the reader- to us. He makes us connect to his opinions about the situation, providing a self-reflection upon what man has done in our world, if anything beneficial. He's surrounded by nature, which he displays in his poem by glorifying the beauty found in it. This is another quality of Romantic poems- the glorification of nature. To him, nature is an important aspect in our lives, one that we should treasure, as it may disappear before we know it... By using his imagination and what he sees, and the way he puts his thoughts into his poems using Romantic qualities, William Wordsworth is a true Romantic author- very well-known in England for his works.

1 comment:

  1. Kasia,

    Overall, the writing is clear, though in the first response there is some redundancy. Still, the analysis of the poem is right on, and I think you're right about how the poem still holds relevance today.

    Nice work overall!


    Mr. Barry
