Sunday, May 13, 2012

Our Field Trip!

Our trip to the Irish Heritage Museum not only helped us learn some interesting facts, but it also helped us prepare for our trip to Europe, which is not that far away...!
While we were here, what surprised me was the fact that the museum was built inside a high school, where there are performances in the theatre and special ceremonial events in the gym. I thought this was pretty neat, as the history of the school was an important part of the museum's cultural pieces. There was also a library, in which hundreds if Irish books were stored for reference, with only some being in English... Our tour guide showed us the art that they have inside and seemed to have a story for everything, starting from how it got there and what the piece was made of. Culture seems to be a big part of Ireland, whether it's art, music, or literature and history, and is definitely something we'll notice while we're in Ireland!
From the very beginning, from the train rides down to Chicago and back, staying within our groups was an important aspect of our traveling experience. Our class is divided into smaller groups, each group having a name- my group being "The Royal Queens". By being aware of the number of people in our group that are present, it's much easier to know where everyone is. Whether it's going shopping or to eat, going to the bathroom, or just stopping by a place, we're expected to be in groups of at least 4 or 5 people, always having a buddy by our side. This will help with only safety, but also being on time to our meeting places. Our upcoming trip expects us to be ALWAYS on time, if not 10 minutes earlier, as if we're late, we'll hold up the entire group, and therefore, shortening our time of sightseeing and messing up our daily plans. If we simply follow this, there will never be any problems and we'll be given more freedom to enjoy our free time around the cities! Walking long distances with a very fast pace is also something we'll be doing all day long, every day of our trip, and it's essential to be prepared for this. In order for everything to run smoothly, we'll need to be all eyes and ears and ready for directions, and this way, our traveling experience will be the best it can be!!! :)

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