Sunday, June 10, 2012

Day 11

My trip is officially at its end!
I can't believe it, actually! It just felt like yesterday that we got off our plane in Ireland... And now here we are, boarding our last plane back home from London... I have to say, this was one of the best trips I've ever been on! I've seen so much, experienced a lot, made a lot of new friends, and had loads and loads of fun! I couldn't ask for anything more :)
Having the chance to visit all of these places felt like a dream come true, really! Words can't even describe...I did so many things that I never expected to do! I visited Dublin and London, two of the most well-known cities in all of Europe! All the things I've seen... Completely breathtaking :) I have always wanted to visit London, and here I was, waiting for the plane back home... London, home to the 2012 Olympics this year... Simply AMAZING!
This morning we got up rather early and had our last English breakfast at the hotel- scrambled eggs, sausages, bacon, crossaints, toast with jam and honey... yummy!!! We packed up and got our things ready on the coach bus, making our way to the airport. After going through security and getting our tickets, we were boarding our plane to New York before we even knew it! It all happened so fast, in a blink of an eye... But I was happy :) I was more than happy about everything I've experienced! A once-in-a-lifetime trip! I stayed up on the entire trip back home with my friends. On our wonderful 7-hour flight, we had pretty good food, I have to admit...
For lunch, we had pizza and some delicious ice cream! We had a 2 hour layover at JFK, which wasn't too bad compared to our other layover. We got some snacks for the plane ride, had Starbucks, and enjoyed our last little bit of free time all together on this amazing trip! At this point, every second counted, every smile, every laugh... Why not end this trip in the best way possible, right?
We boarded our plane to O'Hare and on the flight back home, I couldn't ask for better seats. All of my friends and I were sitting right next to each other, having fun, talking, listening to music, and taking lots of pictures! Even the view from the airplane window was amazing! We landed at O'Hare and it immediately felt like the very first day of the trip when we were boarding our flight to Europe... I couldn't believe it... Were we really going back home already? It seemed like a lifetime ago that we were here in Illinois and yet it was only about 2 weeks ago. I get the same thoughts and feelings everytime I travel... But I guess that's good, as it only makes me more eager to travel the entire world! I love traveling and seeing new places I've always ever dreamed of seeing! It's the best feeling in the world and truly a passion of mine :)
Before we knew it, we picked up our luggage and made our way to the front of the airport, getting onto our yellow school bus back home to Grayslake North. The bus ride was so much fun! We ended up singing songs all the way home, laughing and having the time of our lives! And truly, "Call Me Maybe" is like THE song of the trip! We sing it all the time! I've made so many new friends on this trip! I hope I get to see everyone again soon :)
It was when we were pulling up to the school that I realized that I was actually home. The world seems smaller and smaller each time I travel, which is weird knowing how far away Europe is from here! We were all greeted by our friends and family, as they were waiting for us at the front of the school. My mom and brother greeted me with big smiles on their faces, me hugging them back with an even bigger smile! I couldn't be more thankful that I had such an opportunity, and if it weren't for my family, I wouldn't have been to all the places I've been to! Thank you so much!!!
Like I said, I love to travel! So hopefully, in the near future, I'll be going someplace totally different, visting new places and meeting even more people :) After all, it's a world worth seeing! I wanna visit London again someday :)
Thank you so much again and I can truly now say that this was the most AMAZING trip ever!
Hey! Guess what?
I've been to Ireland, Wales, Scotland, and England!! :D
See you soon!

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