Sunday, June 3, 2012

Day 4

Free Prompt

Today we left County Kerry and headed towards Dublin. On the way, we stopped at the Woolen Mill and visited the Blarney Castle, which I found very unique and cool! Climbing it and walking through all of the corridors was probably one of the most fun things I did today! However, nothing beat having the opportunity to kiss the Blarney Stone. It was a scary thought to do it, but in the end, it was totally worth it! I mean, how many times in a lifetime are you in Ireland and have a chance to kiss the famous Blarney Stone…? I went for it! After we visited the castle, we walked around the gardens and courtyard. We ate pizza at a cafĂ© in the village nearby afterwards. Before we knew it, we were once again on the coach bus and on our way to Dublin! It was pretty exciting, since I’ve always heard that Dublin was a really pretty city, full of sights, people, and buildings! And indeed it was! The architecture and colors of the buildings were amazing compared to what we’re used to here in the United States. We had a little free time to walk around the city and hang out in our hotel rooms. Not too soon afterwards, we had dinner, which was really good! I had this creamy, potato soup as the appetizer, chicken, cooked vegetables, and mashed potatoes as the main course, and a creamy-puffy, cheesecake-like dessert that was topped off with caramel. It was delicious!!! Overall, it was a pretty fun and exciting day and night! :)
At the end of the day, a group of 8, including me, went to a local bar and pub for an Irish Music and Dance night! I have to say that it was probably one of the best decisions I have ever made on a trip like this! We listened to Irish music performed by a local band, as well as got watched and Irish dancing performance, which we all got to participate in! I love Irish dancing so this night just made everything even better! :) Highlight- Ms.T being asked to dance! It was so much fun, especially when we had our own party in the back of the bus on our way back to the hotel! It was nearing midnight and we still had so much energy! I’m glad we had such a small group, as not only we had more fun, but I also met a lot of new people. We got bonded a lot this night and I hope we become even better friends as the trip goes forward! It was definitely a night to remember! Full of culture and dance :)

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