Saturday, June 2, 2012

Day 3

Compare the scenery in Ireland we saw today to what we expected it to be like/another place
Include the funniest moment of the day!
I definitely expected Ireland to be green… very green… like “New Zealand green”, and that was exactly what I saw! Right when we landed yesterday to when began our tour our the Ring of Kerry this morning… I also expected a lot of sheep in the fields everywhere, as Ireland is very well-known for having sheep and other cattle. It was rainy all day, which was somewhat predictable, but I definitely wasn’t in for SO much rain… it was practically pouring all day! And to think this is normal weather for Ireland… (they’re in drought this year). This kind of made it hard, as we’re not really used to so much rain, so we always had to think ahead of time and the best way to avoid slipping or keeping ourselves dry most of the time. However, I made the best of it! :) It was a lot of fun! Anyways, one thing I didn’t expect is that Ireland would be so full of mountains! I didn’t even know there were huge mountain ranges in Ireland… How embarrassing. Ireland’s scenery definitely reminded me entirely of New Zealand, no doubt about it; on the other hand, the smell and atmosphere of the many places we visited reminds of Poland last time I went there! :) Ireland is beautiful, completely eye-opening!
Today, we spent an entire day visiting and driving around the Ring of Kerry. I'm not gonna lie, there's so much to see! We walked around Bog Village, went to a sheep dog demonstration, stopped at a little village where we also got time to hang out on the beach, glanced at the beautiful sights of Lady's View, and visited a National Park with a gorgeous waterfall. I also got some delicious ice cream! We did so much today and it's hard to describe everything :)
One of the funniest moments on this trip so far, definitely had to be when we stopped to indulge the sights of Lady’s view. As we were taking a bunch of pictures by the many cliffs, I tried climbing up onto a huge rock, while Ireland was helping me up, and I slipped on a big puddle and nearly tripped over into a ditch nearby, almost landing on my butt. I tried getting up quickly, but the ground was pretty much soaked and all muddy, and I slipped and fell again, twice more… And as we were walking back to the bus, Maureen stepped straight into a huge puddle in the grass! Her foot was completely soaked! The dinner came around… We had potato soup, beef with veggies and potatoes, and raspberry ice creamm, yummy :) And I have to admit, we were pretty hyper… We had a lot of fun and laughed so much, we nearly ran out of breath! I’m glad I got everything on video :) Today was a day full of jokes and laughs! I couldn’t stop laughing!!!

Oh, and Timmy (THE best bus driver in the world!), played a song for us on one of our bus rides... It was a song about him! It was written when he got a speeding ticket a couple years ago driving a coach bus. I thought that was pretty funny and cool at the same time!

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