Thursday, June 7, 2012

Day 8

Reflection on Edinburgh and its architecture and style of the city
Edinburgh is an interesting city, that's for sure! I'm quite amazed by the architecture here. It's all dated very far back in history and you can tell, yet at the same time, the exotic feeling brings about a different atmosphere. I have to say, it's very different from Chicago... Chicago is full of "new" buildings and skyscrapers... Edinburgh is the complete opposite. As weird as this city seems to me here in Scotland, I love the buildings here! The colors, the styles, and the history related to it all. The main street is beautiful! It's definitely full of stores, but most of the stores are filled with kilts, I'm not gonna lie. It makes me laugh, but I guess that's the cool thing about Edinburgh! You'll never find stuff like this anywhere else in the world in such a setting. There's a lot of street performers, too... It's not everyday you get to see that either. Edinburgh is beautiful city!
This morning, we started off with a bus tour around Edinburgh, visiting and learning about the many sites here. Our tour guide's name was Keith... He was really entertaining! He wore a full Scottish costume, kilt and everything, and how he talked, loudly emphasizing everything, made everyone laugh! Hey, at least we started off the day with laughs and smiles :) Before we went over to the Edinburgh Castle, we dropped off our luggage for the midnight train tonight at a hotel not too far away from the train station...
The only bad thing about this was that we were only allowed to check-in one piece of luggage, which ended up being my suitcase, and we all ended up lugging around our heavy backpacks for the rest of the day... It was soo heavy and annoying by the end of the day, but oh well. Anyways, we finally walked into the castle grounds and I was amazed. I've never ever seen a castle like this before! Edinburgh Castle was huge! There was so much to see, we almost ran out of time... But our tour guide, which made people stare at us haha, made sure we got to see everything that we needed to see :) After he left, we had about an hour or so to walk around the castle grounds and stop at a cafe for a small snack. Then we all met somewhere towards the entrance where cannon was shot at exactly 1pm. I got scared, I'm not gonna lie! I definitely wasn't expecting it! We got a half day to just walk around the city, which was a lot of free time, actually! Plus, it was raining and pouring, so that just made things even better... We were pretty muched soaked all day long.
Together with Hannah, Maureen, Jessi, Joe, and Jack, we went into a bajillion stores, walked down really far to both ends of the main street, and stopped at at least 5 or so different cafes, trying to find a place to sit down and relax before the rest of the day ahead of us. We had lunch at a restaurant and it was probably one of the biggest meals I've eaten on the trip so far... I had a fajita :) 
Around 6, we went on a Ghost Tour, which was really fun and really scary! I loved how the two guides acted out all of the important figures in history, making everything fun to listen to. At one point, I was chosen as a volunteer and got accused of being a witch... Fun stuff. Albert was a beggar that collected dead bodies and Joe got punished for stealing a banana, too. The guide pointed out many stories that remain a big part of Edinburgh's history. It was fun, even though I jumped and got scared a lot! For dinner, we walked across town to a little Italian restaurant, where the food was delicious :) Dinner was fun, no doubt about it! After, we had to walk quickly to the hotel, pick up our luggage, and then walk quickly again to the train station.
We finally boarded our midnight train to LONDON! I was more than excited! Our cabin on the train was really tiny, but it was different! I liked it! Maureen got locked in the bathroom before the train even started... I thought that was pretty funny! After this long day, I needed a good night's sleep, and I did! The beds were so comfy :) Before we knew it, we arrived in London! I was more than excited! Words can't even describe...

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