Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Day 7

Poem inspired by a photo we took near William Wordsworth's house, using his style of writing...

On this fine bright morning of happiness I smile from ear to ear,
Thinking about the little flower from my big garden.
I never knew that one such flower could change my entire world-
A world of my happiest moments,
memorable times,
and beautiful views.
Covered in teardrops from the sky,
A golden yellow color of the sun,
A bundle of buds hang from a green stem.
Nothing could be more beautiful
Than this flower from my garden.
Its presence lights up my world
In a way that no other part of nature can.
My life is like this flower,
Now that I think about it some more,
ready to seize a new day.
A life full of happiness and sadness,
ups and downs,
laughs and jokes,
and then tears and cries...
This little flower represents my entire life and this moment,
Its delicate petals, golden color, and teardrops all over.
My life is beautiful just the way it is,
I wouldn't change it for the world, for this flower...
It's unique in its own way,
Grasping the hearts of many and taking chances.
This little flower speaks to me,
As if we've been friends forever and ever.
The power of nature...
What a wonderful thing.

Today we visited William Wordsworth's house and garden. It was breathtaking, especially all of the different flowers and plants in the garden. He really couldn't have had any prettier view from his window into the Lake District :)
As we left this part of England, we stopped by Keswick, a small village not too far away, for lunch and some free time. My friends and I stopped at Bryson's Cafe for some ice cream and then walked around the village, stopping into a couple stores. I was quite surprised, as there were so many people with dogs here. Everywhere you looked, you were bound to see a dog or a puppy... So different from Chicago and where I come from. After this fun stop, we continued to make our way to Edinburgh, Scotland. Our hotel was interesting... A hostile... Barely any floor space, two bunk beds, a sink outside the bathroom, and the toilet and shower sharing the same room with the same floor, nothing else. It was interesting, definitely different from all of our other hotel rooms. We had dinner, which was in a sketchy bar down below the lobby, and afterwards, we had some free time to visit the main street. I have to say, as weird as our day started here in Edinburgh, the city itself was fascinating... the buildings, the architecture, the people, the atmosphere... It was different. Today was full of new things!

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